Thursday, July 30, 2009
H1N1( by kala dewi manoguran)
H1N1 spread by human to human but not by infect humans though they do occur through close proximity or contact with infected pigs or contaminated areas.
The viruses have many symptoms to indetify H1N1 and the symptoms are similar to those of regular flu fever,lethargy, runny nose,cough,sore throat and some cases show vomiting and diarrhea.Possibly the symptom show up to seven days following the onset of the illness.
We can protect or control this viruses from become more danger by attact human by covering your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or handkerchief when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the waste basket after you use it.Secondly wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze with alcohol-based hand cleaners are also helpful. Then try to avoid close contact with sick people and if you get sick with influenza, stay at home and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them,also avoid touching your eyes,nose ad mouth.Finally we should to consult nearest healthcare facility if think have any of the symptoms.(So be careful with H1N1 virus,before u be the next PERSON,prevention better then cures)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A wild goose chase : a foolish undertaking
Call a spade a spade : to speak plainly
Fit like a glove : to be perfect fit
Lay it on thick : to exaggerate
Make allowance for : to excuse
Pour oil on troubled water : to make peace
Make one's blood boil : to make one angry
Hit the nail on the head : to be absolutely right
Come a cropper : to fail
Cut someone dead : to ignore someone well known to you
The nation of the Ballateans
By Gordon
The nation of the Ballateans(tho continue of my last journal)
Bellateans learned early on that the fastest way to develop technology and profit is for their people to be happy. A happy person is a productive person. This is why they have freedom of expression and individualism. They have long understood that freedom drives minds to think better, rather than oppression. This is why Bellato citizens enjoy many freedoms and liberties.
However, most, if not all of the dominant Bellateans are members of Houses. Houses are congregations of individuals who share the same blood (family ties being taken very seriously by Bellateans) and/or interests (wealth and power being taken much more seriously by Bellateans).
Success breeds success, and while Bellateans promote individual achievement, over the years, the same families harvest most of the wealth and power. Influential Bellateans then lend money, offer services or help to lesser ones, for the conduct of their business or other matters, and strong ties develop between the two sides. Soon enough, it is a vast network of interests that emerges. A House. Several networks can intertwine, of course, but the core of every one of them is a powerful and identifiable family that will do its best to keep the relatives, allies, and clients in line with the House’s interests.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Facts That Everyone Should Know; By Mogane
~ 'RHYTHM' is the longest English word without a vowel..
~ A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off!!
~ It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open..
~ Dolphin sleep with one eye open..
~ It is against law to burp or sneeze in a church in Nebraska,USA
~ In 1936,a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child..
~ 'GO' is the shortest complete sentence in the English language..
~ No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times!! (should try it!!)
~ You can't kill yourself by holding your breath..
~ 'Almost' is the longest English word with all the letters are in the alphabetical order..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
How To Become A Better Friend
· Stop acting selfishly. Try to put yourself in your friend’s shoes for a change.
· Start conversations by asking after your friend and listen to what he/she has to say.
· Offer him/her plenty of advice and encouragement in what he/she is doing.
· Don’t dump plans with a friend when a ‘better’ opportunity comes up.
· Call him/her to see how he/she is. Make the first move. Do your friend a favour or offer to help with a project.
· Be thoughtful, suggest things you can do together and never forget his/her birthday.
· Above all. Nurture your friendship as you would a romance.
Today in MUET class Miss Wardiah asked us to describe ourselves through our name. Here's some example from my classmates:Khoo Wai Ying = Wise
Tan Mei Yi = Trustworthy
Oh Swee Shin = Optimistic
Lee Sau Wai = Lucky
Chong Jia Xin = Caring
Hong Chee Kong = Humorous
Chow Chee Lim = Curious
Wong Lee Hong = Warm
Law Chee Heng = Liable
Wong Siew Fong = Wishful
Chong Wai Kian = Confident
Tan Sin Vea = Tolerant
Moganekumari = Motivated
Kala Dewi = Kind
Wah Tiza = Thinker
Gordon Soo Chien Phang = Great Superior Champion Paladin
Muhd Zulfi Azfar = Magical Zealously Adventerous
Norazam = Artistic
Mohd Amir = Advisor
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A day in Jusco,Ipoh by Chee Kong

I spent my whole daytime doing window shopping at Jusco,Ipoh with my elder sister and younger brother.As usual,the shopping mall still flooded with a lots of people as we could see that there was hard to find for vacancy of car parking slot.It was truly a headache time to search for empty spaces for car parking slot eventough few storeys of buildings were to built for that kind of service.Yet,during the school days shopping mall still crowded,this made no different to shop even in holidays.After having a harsh competition of grabbing the car parking slot with the other competitors,we finally managed to get inside the buliding to enjoy refreshning cold air flow and straight dashed to washroom to have a pee.
We first bought tickets for the movie - Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince,all round up to RM29.Then,we had a walk around there for hours of time before entering the cinema at 5.10p.m.We wiltzed here and there,lots of goods were having great discount at that time.But,we just bought a packet of baby's wipes for RM4.40,quite ashamed after all.Seeing others had fews huge bags of goods in both their hands,jealousy getting to grow in our hearts.I discovered a very eye sore view that was quite a number of students played truant there with their uniform dressed,what would they be in their future?
At 5.10p.m sharp we entered the cinema with a huge basket of hot popcorns which lure me to bite on it.We fumbled with our mobile phones' light in that dim situation to look for our audience seat.The extremely cold condition made me shivered from the head to toes,but all this was cured by the crunchy,hot and nice aroma of popcorns.Out of my expectation,there were quite many seats left empty as not many of us watched it.
The movie ended when the Professor Dumbledore killed by Professor Snape by his invincible magic skills.The poor Professor Dumbledore was then fell from the high buliding and met his death.Only then,H.Potter attempted to go against the evil force but he failed to do so,as he was knocked down by Snape who claimed himself the Half Blood Prince.H.Potter returned back to the sombre looking school,Hermoine read the small piece of letter inside the old necklace,with hope again H.Potter swore to find out the other Hocrux in order to stop the evil Dark Lord.
Just 4 laugh :p
lol X)
Friday, July 17, 2009
An Unfair World, written by Oh Swee Shin
Why this world cannot be fair? Why every real fact need to be distorted and twisted? I hate those people who like to twist the fact for his or her benefit. Are you think this is a best way for you to get benefit by using foul tactics? Are you will be happy if you threatened your friends, relatives or people who trust you like that? Are you willing to hurt them? Because of this, the people in this new century had became foul, selfish, don't know how to appreciate and cruel.
When I grumble this to my friends, they always say " The world is like that, you need to accept it although you don't like." Some of them may say like that " Don't think too much!". I don't know why everybody like to shirk this topic. Am I a alien? I keep asking this question but no one can give me a good answer.
Argument 2
Are you agree this proverbs " Good heartedness is sure to be rewarded"? I think maybe not. I had read an article from a forum, it was about a 15 year-old-girl's story. She is from a single-parent family. Her mother passed away when she was four. She does not have any siblings, so she live with her father. Her father works early in the morning and return late at night to earn more money and give the best for her. She always helps her friends when they are in trouble. Every weekend, she will go to the orphanage to teach the orphan and play with them. She always deem the orphans are her siblings. Unfortunately, a kind person like her had been confirmed suffering hepatopathy(cancer of liver). Why a caring girl should suffer all these?
Can this world be kind, caring and just?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Hello everyone! (Zulfi aka Sacred_roseS)
I think this is my first journal 4 dis blog...
Nothing much 2 say exactly...
Well I'm at home now with my just formatted pc...
My pc was attacked by some kind of virus until I cannot open my internet browser...
So I send it to a computer shop at Yik Fong, Ipoh and I just recovered the pc today...
The bad part is I need to find a windows XP software soon coz the one on my pc is the trial one...
It's going to expire in 30 days...
If someone has the software please lend it to me ok coz the original one gonna cost me around RM 320...
I cannot install window vista on my pc coz my pc cannot support it...
Well I think thats it 4 now...
I'll try posting new journals later coz its going late now...
Time to sleep...
Gud nite!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Form 6's Life - Written by Oh Swee Shin
I feel that 24 hours are not enough for me. I always burn the midnight oil to do my work and my revision. Early morning needs go and rush to the bus station. My life is unstable now, I feel tired because only sleep for a few hours per day. When this will stop? I prefer stay at the national service camp and no need to worry about my study. In camp, just play, eat and sleep. Although I felt lethargic, I enjoyed it very much. Now, I'm not only tired on physical but mental too.
Furthermore, the food in the canteen SMK Buyong Adil is not delicious at all and expensive too. Despite the food in the national service is not delicious, but it is more delicious if compare with the school's food. Maybe malay food is not my appetite. Everyday, I need to bring two sets of food, one is for the recess time and one for the lunch time.
I think I should adapt myself in this school.
My School By Law Chee Heng
My school's location is at Tapah. I goes to school by bus. It takes 40 minutes to school from my house. My school is wider than my school before. SMK Buyong Adil have a big and wide field, guy's dorm and girl's dorm, large amount of classroom, laboratory, faculty room, canteen, a student store, a wide school's hall, library and so on.
I like this school because it is wide like walk in maze. I can not find the school's toilet on somewhere in this school for the first time I came to this school. My friend and I ask location of toilet from other students and teachers. It is very interesting just like explore the campus.
Besides that, this school carry out many school's activity about cocurriculum that I never knew before. It is very exciting and fun because I can learn more school's activities about cocurriculum in this school.
The teachers in this school are nice and well in temper. They teaches seriously and share their experience of school's life with students. My new friends are very kind and honest. They always help me when I have problems.
I am proud to be a student of this school because it have many facility for education such as library and nice teachers and kind friends. Because of that, I can study in this school happily.
A calamity - Rain By, chee kong
Then,lightning cracked across the sky and a peal of thunder boomed in distance.Finally,it started raining cats and dogs.First in big,heavy drops,then in pouring sheets.I began to shudder in fear as I could not see clearly through the windscreen of the car and had to slow down the speed.Immediately,Uncle Ah Yik asked me to drive back to town and the car learning session had to be called off.Along the way,I could see some trees trunks trembled down and some notice boards were blew away too.I could not imagine how strong the wind blew,this made me went weak at my knees.
After that,we reached the town safely and get off from the car,straightly dashed into the corridor to have shelter.Suddenly,we were alarmed by a deafning cracking sound.I saw there were pieces of tiles that flew off from the roof and hit the car that I droved just now.Luckily,the tiles did not hit on the windsreen and there was just a small bent on its body.Then,Uncle Ah Yik droved away the car and I just could wait there until the heavy downpour to stop.